Cherry Hill, NJ – The St. Thomas Greek Orthodox community gathered at city hall on Monday for a ceremony in honor of the Greek War of Independence. Father Christoforos Oikonomidis of St. Thomas and Hellenic Federation President Demetrios Rozanidis addressed the crowd.
They thanked the township for hosting the event and reminded attendees of the heroic efforts of sacrifice given by their Greek ancestors. Today, today, we are all Greek”, were the words of Mayor Susan Shin Angulo of Cherry Hill. Mayor Angulo touched on the long history of contributions to western society that the United States is founded on.
The afternoon closed with a proclamation read by David Fletcher, from the Twp council. Joined by Mayor Angulo they presented the proclamation of recognizing the 200 year anniversary of Greek Independence to Father Oikonomidis. The proclamation closed with a statement by Mayor Angulo. “Thursday, March 25, 2021, is officially now recognized as Greek Independence Day in Cherry Hill, New Jersey”.
Source: Cosmos Philly